In the past, metal roofing was primarily used only for commercial buildings.  But today, it’s one of the fastest-growing roofing materials used for both residential and commercial projects.  Many people across the country, including right here in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties, are making the decision to invest in metal roofing.  It’s easy to understand why … Continued


I’m sure when you think about your roof, fun is not the first thing that comes to your mind.  But at Premo Roofing, we think of roofing all the time.  That’s why we assembled a list of interesting and little-known facts about roofing. Some of the oldest roofing materials in the world are thatch, clay, and stone.  Thatch … Continued

Solar energy is an amazing resource that just keeps getting better and more efficient.  At Premo Roofing and Premo Solar, we are roofing and solar experts. We specialize in all types of residential and commercial roofing and top it off with cutting-edge solar technology.  Many of our clients have questions regarding solar energy systems and why solar … Continued

Walt Disney once said, “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” That notion worked for Walt, and it’s … Continued

We all know that everyone wants their house looking great for the holidays, but you don’t want to climb up on the roof to add the Christmas décor.  If this, is you, we have some great Christmas decoration ideas that are sure to impress everyone in your neighborhood.  These simple ideas don’t require a roof and they … Continued

Happy Thanksgiving Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties.  After completing thousands of roofing projects in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties, we know that our success over the years is largely due to the referrals and recommendations from our customers. We want to say thank you for choosing Premo Roofing for your roofing projects You have made us … Continued

Decorating your home for the holidays is a fun project to undertake. And when you are decorating for Halloween, things get even better! However, do not lose sight of safety amid the excitement. Because you will be climbing ladders and working with electricals, safety should be your top priority. With that in mind, let’s go … Continued

Buying a new home is by far the biggest decision you will ever make in your life.  As a buyer, you understand the importance of ensuring that your new dream home is in a nice neighborhood and has a strong foundation, proper electrical wiring, and quality plumbing—but what about the roof health?  Homebuyers often overlook … Continued

Orlando and Michelle Vargas of Salinas have been named winners of the Premo Roofing 6th Annual Free Roof Giveaway campaign. Despite the hundreds of nominations, this year’s winner stood out from the rest. The needs of the Vargas family and the condition of their roof were only part of why they were selected.    Both have suffered … Continued

Are you debating whether or not to fix your roof before selling your home? Or perhaps you are unsure about buying a home with a damaged roof?  In this blog, we will look at damaged roofs from the perspectives of both a buyer and a seller in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties. Continue … Continued

Premo Roofing